Wingspan strategy
Wingspan strategy

It's also not as easy to track game length as on the tabletop, and the concept of "action cubes" to time your turn doesn't translate very well to digital. It's also not always clear what element is active, or what precisely the game wants you to click on to proceed. It can get crowded with a big hand of cards. Wingspan excels as a couch multiplayer or Remote Play Together game. A whole-player overview is available as a separate, optional choice. So has the player view: Rather than a single broad playmat you have several different screens, one for each action.

wingspan strategy

Bird and bonus goal cards are redesigned from their tabletop form to be more readable on a screen. The user experience has clearly been given careful thought as well. It's a soundtrack that's going directly into my permanent collection. All of it is wrapped in a lovely ambient soundscape of birdsong, nature sounds, and classical guitar. You can even click your birds to hear their specific calls, and a narrator will read you trivia about the birds when you play them. There are a variety of varied playing backgrounds to pick from too, all themselves animated. The carefully detailed scientific illustrations of the tabletop game are reproduced here in larger, more brilliantly colored form, and then enhanced with charming animations. I meant it when I said in the opening of this review that all adaptations of board games in the future will have to be measured up against this one-both where it excels and where it's lacking. Wingspan is a great digital adaptation, one that fundamentally adds to the experience of playing this card game. A good digital adaptation knows which visual and game elements to change, cut or rearrange so that the play experience flows smoothly. (Image credit: Monster Couch) Colorful plumageĪ bad digital adaptation of a board game simply reproduces the graphical and visual aspects of the base game. There's just so much interesting potential strategy to pull off that I want to see what combos I can come up with on the next play. That said, I find that Wingspan's balance of random draws and random food against deliberate, potent, and reliable card powers is a mix of seeds in the feeder that draws me back for more over and over. It's not as random and frustrating a system as something like to-hit dice in a wargame, but the tight balance of the point scoring in Wingspan can make you feel like you were prevented from victory by a bad roll of the dice. If a bird that would fulfill one of your bonus cards never shows up you're out of luck, likewise if you need lots of, say, fish to play your birds but the dice just won't show little blue fishies. Neither choice of resources refreshes regularly without player interaction: You simply must build your strategy from what's available, not what's conceivable.

wingspan strategy

Available food comes from a dice roll, and the birds from a huge deck.

wingspan strategy

That's the bit of the game design often cited by those who dislike it. Wingspan's play, for all its strategy, hinges on a few very random elements.

Wingspan strategy